TMedDataset.Exclusive TMedDataset

property Exclusive: Boolean ;


Set Exclusive property to true before opening dataset if you wich exclusive access to underlying table. No other application will be able to open the table while it is opend in your application as Exclusive.

Consequently, open will fail with an exception if anybody has the table opened in any mode.

Please note, that even if you open Mediator table in Exclusive mode, the applications will still be able to access it or its parts using SQL queries. Access through TMedTable component will be blocked.

If you open table with Exclusive set to false (the default) it is opened in shared mode and other applications will be able to access it using TMedTable component or xHarbour code.


Some table-related operations require table to be opened as Exclusive. For instance, index creation or deletion from Mediator tables requires Exclusive open. For xHarbour DBF files this restriction does not hold.