============================================== This file describes steps necessary to install Mediator client libraries on Linux machine It assumes Mediator server is already up and running somewhere on the network. ============================================== 1. Download Mediator client for xHarbour/Harbour. The file is called medclhben.tar.gz and contains both xHarbour and Harbour libraries/executables. This file is available from ww.otc.pl/en. Mediator libraries have been tested on RedHat Linux 7.3 (gcc version 2.96) and RedHat Linux 9 (gcc version 3.2.2) 2. Decide about the directory where you'd like to install Mediator client files. We recommend medcl directory in your Linux home directory. The following steps assume this directory was choosen. 3. Copy medclhben.tar.gz file to your home directory, unpack it and set binaries execution rights. $ cd $ cp ???/medclhben.tar.gz . $ tar -xzvf medclhben.tar.gz $ chmod -R u+x medcl/xhb/bin $ chmod -R u+x medcl/hb/bin $ 4. Now Mediator client files are installed in medcl subdirectory in your home directory. xHarbour files are in medcl/xhb subdirectory, Harbour files are in medcl/hb subdirectory 5. Now please read carefully the license.txt file located in medcl/doc directory. If you don't agree with the license terms, please remove the files from your machine. Otherwise, we invite you to proceed. 6. Now you'd probably like to have a look at build files you can use as starting point to build your applications. These are: medcl/xhb/bin/buildXX/xmbld.sh medcl/xhb/bin/buildXX/xmbldmt.sh medcl/hb/bin/buildXX/xmbld.sh First two files assume xHarbour is installed in following directories: /usr/bin /usr/lib/xharbour /usr/include/xharbour Last (Harbour) file assumes Harbour is installed in following directories: /usr/bin /usr/lib/harbour /usr/include/harbour Usually you will use either Harbour or xHarbour but not both. If this is a case, it is recommended to install one of the products in different directories to avoid conflicts in /usr/bin If everything is Ok, you should be able to build your xHarbour/Mediator application (test.prg) with a command like: xmbld.sh test 7. Before running your application you need to define Mediator connection parameters. They are used to inform application about the location of Mediator server. They are used if auto-connection procedure is used on application startup. If you link noautlog.o file into your application, this procedure is not invoked automatically and you need to connect to Mediator server programatically by calling MedLogin() function somewhere in your application. Assuming you do not link noautlog.o, the auto-connect procedure will try to read connection parameters from application environment. You can invoke your app as follows: $ export MEDNODEADDR= $ export MEDUSER=test $ export MEDPASSWD=test $ export MEDCS=odbc_source $ $ ./test Of course you need to specify parameter values customized for your installation. If application does not find enough information in environment settings it will consult medapp.ini file located in current directory and read parameters from that file if available. Sample medapp.ini file is located in medcl/xhb/bin/buildXX directory. If not enough information is available in environment and medapp.ini file, text applications will show a login window where you may enter all the data required for appllication to create connection to Mediator server. 8. Please read hbreadme.txt file located in medcl/xhb (medcl/hb) directory. 9. Have fun using Mediator