Version (December 18th, 2024)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (March 19th, 2024)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (October 22th, 2022)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (April 7th, 2022)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (December 29th, 2020)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (May 29th, 2018)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (March 12th, 2018)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (November 17th, 2017)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (August 25th, 2017)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (January 31st, 2017)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (June 6th, 2016)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (April 1st, 2016)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (April 17th, 2015)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (October 7th, 2014)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (March 5th, 2014)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- support for Harbour 3.2.0 (ChangeLog 2014-01-03): Build 3201
- support for xHarbour 1.2.2 (ChangeLog 9719 2012-09-29) Build 1220
- libraries for Visual Studio 2010+ (Harbour 3.2.0, xHarbour 1.2.2)
- 64-bit libraries and te32.exe for Harbour 3.2.0
- unicode console buffer support form Harbour 3.2.0 Version (May 21th, 2013)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (April 19th, 2013)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components Version (February 18th, 2013)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- using active directory users fixed on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
- improved concurrent multiple application startup on multiprocessor systems (te.exe & te32.exe clients only)
- ability to assign shared applications to specific Windows users
- new "Transmission/Wait for connection" (-cntout) option defines how long to retry and wait for initial connection to Terminal server to be established (usefull when server machine is powered up by the first arriving IP connection)
- fixes related to Terminal server farm
- fix allowing Terminal user names containing space character
- fix related to Terminal user password management
- other minor fixes Version (June 19th, 2012)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Terminal Load-balanced Farm feature. Now up to 64 Terminal server machines can be configured as an application-server farm. The right server is automatically selected when client connects to any farm member. Load balancing is based on relative declared machine power and, eventually, on real server CPU load.
- ability to assign enabled applications to individual Terminal users
- ability to change Terminal user password from client
- new encrypted log file containing all information related to password changes
- new tdecode.exe utility for decrypting the password log file Version (April 20th, 2012)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- option to prevent the client machine going into stand by mode (x/Harbour)
- printing fix (Harbour) Version (January 12th, 2012)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- added TrmSetFont() and TrmSetPalette() functions for changing font and color palette on the console (for Harbour, xHarbour applications only)
- added TrmRGB function for converting R, G, B components into COLORREF values passed to TrmSetPalette() function
- added TrmMobileCP() function for changing active code page on terminal clients running on mobile devices (Windows Mobile/CE) Version (August 29th, 2011)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- added Harbour libraries for Harbour 3.0
- added xHarbour libraries for xHarbour 1.2.1 Rev 9382 (SVN sources 18.07.2011)
- support for Windows CE 6.0 Version (July 27th, 2011)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components only Version (April 1st, 2011)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- fixes related to automatic upgrades of Clipper client (te.exe) on Vista and Windows 7. The omvdd.dll driver used by te.exe until version was replaced by two separate drivers. The simple netdsp.dll driver is copied by the client installer to \windows\system32 directory and is no later automatically updated. The second omvnet.dll driver is placed together with te.exe client and is automatically updated when required Version (March 18th, 2011)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- automatic update of the client files from Terminal server installation. Allows updating user-supplied files as well (see tguimigra_en.pdf)
- new GUI client allows entering of the Clipper/Harbour/xHarbour application start parameters on Windows and Linux
- easy way of creating open and encrypted shortcuts facilitating application start from Windows and Linux cleint machines
- possibility of using symbolic server address from Clipper client
- extended and unified the command line arguments set available for Clipper/xHarbour/Harbour clients
- unified the client application log - all client applications now write to Terminal\Client\Logs\tcllog.txt
- new installers:
- main Windows installer containing server, client, documentation and development files
- minimal Windows client installer
- minimal Linux client installer Version (January 19th, 2011)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- enhanced terminal disconnection detection - previously in rare cases applications could stay running on the server after terminal disconnection Version (November 24th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- changes related to Terminal GUI components only Version (October 24th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Fixed passing of the terminal station IP address to the cooperating Mediator server version (August 10th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Functionality that allows redirecting Terminal users "on the fly" to another application directory
- Sample link scripts changed. For optimal stability, 32-bit applications should be linked as multi-threaded
- Enhanced behavior in case of incompatible client and server versions
- Eliminated bug related to RSA encryption protocol start-up sequence - sometimes connection was unnecessarily rejected by the server with "invalid user or password" message version (June 25th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- New method of user authentication using Windows user/password/domain (active directory)
- Additional user authentication through Domain Local Groups
- API for accessing new logon info: TrmDomain(), TrmAuthMd(), TrmGroups() version (May 11th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Harbour 2.0 libraries: fixed screen conversions of the characters with codes > 127
- Updated Terminal server documentation version (April 26th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Now all applications work via single server network port. This facilitates configuration allowing access from external networks.
- New integrated into tmtool.exe editor of the list of applications allowed to be executed via Terminal (allowed.aps). version (April 16th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Versions of Terminal libraries for Harbour 2.0
- Versions of Terminal libraries for xHarbour (xHarbour 1.2.1,Rev. 6686, CVS snapshot dated 15.02.2010)
- Implementation of TrmPlaySnd() and TrmGetBatt() functions for Linux client (te32) version (February 11th, 2010)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- New (/TMT=xxxx) option for Terminal.exe allows setting the port number for communication with TMTool utility
- Partial mouse implementation for WinCE client (LBUTTONDOWN, LBUTTONUP, LDBLCLK)
- Functions TrmGetFile(), TrmPutFile() and TONE() for WinCE client
- Function TrmPlaySnd() for playing arbitrary sounds on Windows and WinCE clients
- Functions TrmFDOpen() and TrmFDSave() supporting client-side file dialog for Windows and WinCE
- Function TrmGetBatt() returning the battery state for Windows and WinCE clients
- Library versions compatible with Mediator 5.0 and later. Libraries for older Mediator versions have been moved to LIB\OLDMED directory
- Several minor bug fixes version (November 10th, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Installer fixed to allow installation and support for Windows 7 version (September 30th, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- New /PRB and /S commandline options added to 16-bit te.exe client. They allow preventing of the possible fragmentation of remote printouts.
- xHarbour 1.2.1 and later - fixes in RestScreen() and SaveScreen() functions related to the new GT architecture
- te.exe and te32.exe - the letter identifying te32.exe patch is now diplayed
- te32.exe - added displaying of name of the undefined symbol in TrmTrmRPC()
- te32.exe - after unsuccesfull connection attempt, version of the running Terminal server is now displayed for user information version (September 10th, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Terminal client for xHarbour/Harbour (te32.exe) fixed. Versions and have send a _lot_of_ unnecessary status packets to applications. We recomend an imediate upgrade of te32.exe to version or later version (September 2nd, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Fixed support for CT.LIB windowing library for xHarbour 1.2.1 version (July 17th, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Mouse support for xHarbour applications starting from version 0.996 of xHarbour version (June 22nd, 2009)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- libraries for xHarbour 1.2.1 (support for the new GT interface)
- minor fixes in communication protocol version (December 4th, 2008)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- ability to encode transmission using 128-bit AES, 256-bit AES or 192-bit 3DES algorithms
- version of libraries for Visual C++ 2005 (8.0)
- TrmExtInkey() function for controlling keyboard handling in te32.exe. It modifies the way Shift key and Control+letter combinations are handled version (January 14th, 2008)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- libraries for xHarbour 1.0
- option of limiting the maximum number of connected sessions individually for each Terminall user account version (January 18th, 2007)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- libraries for xHarbour 0.99.7 (Beta-1.7)
- option to periodically enforce changing user passwords
- option to block user accounts after defined number of invalid login attempts
- option to block changing password to the same as was used in a given time interval
- TrmNupadCm(.T.) function instructs te.exe to always return comma code when numeric keypad 'Del' key is pressed while 'NumLock' is active version (march 10th, 2006)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- libraries for xHarbour 0.99.6 (Beta-1.6)
- new terminal client (emulator) for Pocket PC 2003(SE) and Windows CE .NET 4.2 platforms. Works with xHarbour applications only
- implemented option for assigning applications to processors on startup
- fixed algorithm for starting applications listed in allowed.aps file with parameters
- fixed ability to kill application using te /kill or te32 -kill
- fixed problem with printing to terminal printer directly attached to Win98 terminal station
- fixed problem with 100% CPU load caused by te32 on Win98/Me terminal stations
- several fixes decreasing probablility of loosing connection
- tmtool - fix for kill session algorithm
- tmtool - fixed displaying and sorting lists version (June 10th, 2005)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- added automatic runtime error loging for both application (trmaperr.tlg file) and terminal emulator (trmteerr.tlg file)
- xHarbour version: added TrmIsPrinter() function - remote equivalent of
- xHarbour version: implemented automatic support for mapping SET DEVICE TO PRINTER to remote terminal printer
- fixed problem with multi-exe terminal emulator - in case encryption was turned on, it was impossible to start second exe from the same terminal emulator
- version of libraries for xHarbour 0.99.5 version (April 5th, 2005)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- fixed time-releasing algorithm used on keyboard reading. Old method introduced significant application slow-down in case keyboard was frequently checked during processing
This fix is also available for older Terminal versions. Please contact us at support@otc.com.pl if you need one.
- xHarbour version: enhanced screen-updating algorithm. Now applications run faster and less network traffic is generated
- xHarbour version: implemented method of automatic mapping of LPT1-LPT3 server ports to the corresponding terminal machine ports. To turn this feature off, specify -NOP option when running te32.exe
- version of libraries for xHarbour 0.99.4 version (January 10th, 2005)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- Terminal server fixes necessary to work with WinXP SP2
- xHarbour 0.99.3 libraries
- ability to use common configuration file for many Terminal servers. User names and passwords can now be easily shared between servers.
- new password encryption algorithm, options for enforcing "strong" passwords and periodic password change
- TrmPutFile() and TrmGetFile() functions fix - when transferring compressed file while compression was active, there was a possibility of sudden connection lost
- automatic redirection of print stream to the terminal workstation in xHarbour applications
- terminal screen update frequency has been increased version (July 8th, 2004)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- new, very efficient compression of network traffic between application and terminal emulator
- library versions for xHarbour 0.99 (Beta-1)
- fix shortening time interval before printing start
- in 32-bit version (te32) - fix accelerating keyboard reading. Previously for auto-entered texts (such as from bar-code reader) some characters could have been lost
- DGROUP segment usage reduced by approx. 2.5 KB for both CA-Clipper applications and te.exe version (March 18th, 2004)
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- support for xHabour/Harbour console applications. 32-bit versions of terminal emulator for Windows (te32.exe)
- experimental support of terminal emulator on Linux (te32)
- Terminal server users import/export function
- ability to define list of applications authorized to be run via Terminal server
- new method of releasing inactive application CPU time - important for some multiprocessor servers equiped with Xeon CPUs
- various minor enhancements and bug fixes
1.3.6.x version
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- the ability of the administrative "killing" of users' sessions from the terminal (te.exe)
- an avoidance of errors of DPMI sub-system, which caused GPF while trying to print in Windows Xp and some Windows 2000
1.3.5.x version
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- the ability of remote configuration/change of Terminal server options while using TMT (Terminal Management Tool) program
- TrmFlPrint() function, which enables sending and printing of a file on a terminal
1.3.4.x version
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- the ability to define a limit of users' log-ins - every account may be set up without any limitations; optionally with an option of limiting to one session only at a given time or limiting of a log-in from one computer only
- an ability of Terminal server to work as Windows NT/200x/XP service
- an ability to limit a size of network packets sent from the application to the terminal (te.exe)(option /PKTn to te.exe)
1.3.3.x version
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- an ability of an automatic switch-off (shutdown) of Terminal server at a requested time on a given weekday
- optimalization of the resources taken by a server (one common listener for TCP/IP and IPX/SPX)
- a wide diagnosis and detailed codes of incidents and errors during users' log-ins
- a modification of the end of work recognition algorithm by an application
- adding in te.exe a protection against a buffer overloading with keystrokes sent to applications ("Connection closed on send"- when you hold a key for a long time and you have a slow connection)
1.3.2.x version
The following features/bug fixes have been introduced:
- session monitoring
- two types of licensing - a session license ( every terminal window is treated as a separate license) and a device license ( all the terminal windows started up on one working station are treated a one license)
- logging of incidents connected with users' activity ( log-ins and log-outs)
- improving the listener ( after a net error occurrence, it tries to go on with the further work)
- optimization new users' log-ins and starting up another applications
- an ability to change a user's password form the te.exe (option /CHPWD)